Saturday, December 26, 2015

Concerning 2016

I got a minute, so I thought I'd throw together a post with my plans for the coming year.

As you may know, I haven't made any significant releases for about a year. I've become heavily involved with my current educational institution, so that takes up a good share of my time. My motivation and inspiration have been pretty dry as well, mixed with technological limitations that prevent me from properly expressing what's inside.

I mentioned a little while back that I would enter the realm of disc spinning by picking up a pair of Technics SL-1200s. I've just invested in an inno-fader mixer, so there's no going back now. It'll be a while before I pull together enough coppers to finally get them, but I'll be sure to incorporate them into my music, whether it be sampling, scratching, or whatever I feel like making them do.

I might drop one Technics-less release before then, but I plan to hold off on an LP until I get a new setup going. In the meantime, I'm still brainstorming a variety of possible ideas to make something really neat when the time is right.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! If you're not into Christmas, have a happy holiday, Festivus, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Chinese New Year, etc!

Friday, September 4, 2015


It's like SoundCloud and Grooveshark in one package, but the streaming audio isn't complete suck! Well, I guess only for the stuff that's uploaded right to the site and not relayed off of YouTube. Whip out your old, dormant account and give me a look on MySpace.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Frequency Modulations

I managed to throw together a PC running MS-DOS with full, non-emulated OPL3 support. I tested a few songs in AdLib Tracker II and they sounded quite amazing. Such a rich and detailed sound that DOSBox could never fully capture. Look for the remastered Polydynamic album sooner than later. A Power Links remaster is also on the list.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tweaked and on Bandcamp!

I have finally uploaded "The Music Tonight" in high quality through my Bandcamp page!

Listen and download:

Monday, April 20, 2015

That was close!

I was just about to write a post about how I lost the masters for most of the songs on my previous album (under the G7 project) "The Music Tonight." This would have meant I wouldn't be uploading it due to the absence of some tracks in lossless format. On a hunch, I checked an old folder on my hard drive that I used to sometimes store mix-downs of my music years ago. I indeed found the missing two songs in a better format. Here's what I have to work with and convert:

1. Tech It (WAV found in that folder) ← I was mainly worried about that one.
2. Magnetic Trance (FLAC properly archived) ← Needs normalization
3. Fire (High quality compressed WMA found in that folder)
4. Alone in the Fall (FLAC properly archived)

But Clay, why couldn't you go into your DAW and make new mixes?
I wish I could, but due to some software and compatibility changes, most of the DAW masters can no longer be opened in my current hardware/software configuration. The main two specifics are missing software synths and my DAC not being cooperative with Sonar. I'm sure I could emulate the old environment and POSSIBLY get into them again, but that's not worth it considering I have the HQ mix-downs and no need to remix or remaster the songs in any great length.

Look out on my Bandcamp for the re-release. Up next is the remastered version of "Power Links," an experimental album containing my early sound experiments. Thank goodness I still have the whole thing in WAV. Maybe after that I'll remaster "Polydynamic" with genuine FM hardware. I still have most of the original tracker files and what's missing can be somewhat easily recreated. Too bad that Aztech card of mine has the crappiest OPL chip ever...

Monday, February 16, 2015

Taking a little break

I've been rather involved with my music lately, spending the last few months working on my last maxi single. Although I had a blast doing it, it's time to do some more discovering and listening. Maybe I'll find new types of music that sound great together and create a mindblow in the future. Any efforts in the near future will most likely be focused on Twin Toxins. I'm also set on getting a pair of Technics SL-1200s later this year so I can start making higher quality DJ sets and try out turntablism techniques. Keep you eyes peeled on my Bandcamp page, as I intend to re-release songs from the G7 project into a high quality compilation.

There won't be any new content for a while.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Finally available for public hearing!